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6675 S Custer Rd #200, McKinney, TX 75070 (469) 301-3212

Discover the Benefits to Using Laser Dentistry for Children

November 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 5:51 pm
a little girl smiling and giving her dentist a high-five after her appointment

Does your child need oral surgery? Has their pediatric dentist recommended treatment for tooth decay that requires a dental filling? Fortunately, these often “scary” procedures no longer have to be cause for anxiety or stress. At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are pleased to offer laser dentistry for children in McKinney using the Solea CO2 dental laser. Offering a less invasive approach to dental procedures, children can now undergo a pain-free experience that results in better oral health. Read on to learn more about the benefits of laser dentistry and how it can positively impact your child’s smile.


What You Can Do to Maximize Your Child’s Dental Benefits This Year

November 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 2:16 pm
a little girl smiling at her dentist during a regular checkup

It is safe to say that 2020 threw everyone a curveball with the ongoing pandemic. Because of COVID-19, many young patients were unable to see their pediatric dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, and unfortunately, your children’s dental insurance coverage won’t offer any benefit extension. This is why Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage strongly recommend you maximize your child’s plan while there is still time. Since these benefits will not roll over, it is in your best interest and that of your child to get the most out of your coverage, as it will not only put more money back into your pocket, but it will more importantly keep your little one’s smile healthier as they enter into a new year. Read on to learn what you can do before 2020 ends.
