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6675 S Custer Rd #200, McKinney, TX 75070 (469) 301-3212

What Happens During a Tongue Assessment?

December 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:31 pm
a baby with its tongue out

Does your child have a tongue tie in McKinney? Are you concerned there may be an issue that is causing you to experience difficulties nursing? If you suspect your baby has a restricted band of tissue keeping them from being able to effectively latch or take a bottle, make sure to reach out to Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage at Sprout Dentistry for Kids. With the help of a tongue assessment, they can put your little one on the right bath while providing improved oral function. Read on to learn more about what happens during an assessment and how a tongue tie is treated.


How You Can Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

December 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:22 pm
baby with a bottle of milk

You might think it is okay to give your little one a warm bottle of milk to help them go to sleep, but unfortunately, this practice can actually do more harm than good. Because formula and breastmilk both contain sugar, the longer it sits on your child’s developing teeth, the greater the risk for what is known as baby bottle tooth decay in McKinney. Read on to learn more about this and what you can do to prevent it.
