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5 Tips to Prevent Dental Emergencies This Summer

May 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:06 pm
children splashing their parents in a pool

Summer’s here, which means that your family’s daily routine will change because school’s out! Whether you’re going on vacation, taking a road trip, or just planning on staying in, having extra time in your schedule can upend you and your child’s oral hygiene routine. As a result, you could experience dental emergencies, like tooth infections or dental damage, that ruin your plan to soak up the sun. Read on for five dental hygiene tips to avoid a trip to your emergency dentist this summer.


Tongue-Tie Can Affect Your Baby’s Nutrition

May 26, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 12:32 am

Baby wearing a suit sticking out his tongueMany children are born with a lip or tongue tie, but it may not be found until after certain complications occur with an infant’s development. Feeding difficulties are common signs your little one may need a frenectomy. The simple, minimally invasive procedure gives your infant the mobility they need to maintain a nutritious diet. Here’s how a tied lip or tongue can affect your child’s diet, especially as they transition to solids.
