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3 Tips to Make Your Child’s Pulp Therapy Less Scary

April 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 3:21 am
little boy and dad at the dentist’s office

When taking your child to their dentist’s office, you may be surprised to learn that they need what is known as pulp therapy. The procedure is likely to be referred to as a pulpectomy or a pulpotomy, but no matter the type of treatment required, it can be worrisome for both you and your child. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the fear and instead create a positive experience for your little one before, during, and after their procedure. Keep reading to learn about three unique tips you can use to help your child when they’re receiving pulp therapy.


Can Swimming Hurt Your Child’s Teeth?

April 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 11:19 pm
child giving a thumbs up at dentist's office

Does your child plan on going swimming all summer long? Swimming is generally considered a safer sport for dental health compared to activities like boxing or football. Even so, prolonged exposure to pool or ocean water can still have consequences for oral health. Continue reading to learn about how the chemicals that are used to maintain pool hygiene can lead to oral health problems
