Although it may seem as if a lip or tongue-tie in McKinney is a recent phenomenon, the truth is that these natural birth defects have been occurring for centuries. The change is how women are choosing to feed their babies, which is ultimately the reason many parents are turning to their pediatric dentists to inquire about a frenectomy for their little one. At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are able to provide safe and effective treatment should you being to notice problems while attempting to nurse at home. Read on to learn what signs to look for as a breastfeeding mother and what we can do to help.
Frenectomies: Why the Sudden Rise in Popularity?
In the 17th century, physicians used wood blocks to perform frenectomies and release a child’s restricted band of tissue behind the upper lip or underneath the tongue. Although these frenulums didn’t just suddenly develop, the necessity for treatment did change as more women began to replace breastfeeding with the use of formula and a bottle. As a result, children did not appear to struggle as much with the bottle feeding, allowing the mother to effectively wean her child from the breast.
However, as physicians and women began to rediscover the benefits of nursing, it has become and continues to be the preferred method when it comes to feeding an infant. With this change, many women are turning to medical doctors and pediatric dentists for help.
Why? Because a child’s tongue-tie can cause many problems as it pertains to breastfeeding. From difficulties latching and poor weight gain to irritability and developing colic or reflux symptoms, the short, thick band of tissue that prevents full oral function can take its toll on both you and your baby. This is why a pediatric dentist in McKinney like Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage can easily perform a frenectomy to make this bonding time between you and your infant more special.
Breastfeeding Symptoms: What to Look For
If your child has a lip or tongue-tie, you may begin to notice problems if you, as a nursing parent, develop one or more of the following:
- Problems sleeping because of frequently interrupted or prolonged feedings
- Increased pain as a result of trying to nurse
- Mastitis or blocked milk ducts
- Nipples that appear swollen or red
- Unsuccessful attempts to get your milk to flow
- Feelings of depression because of the difficulties you and your baby are facing while attempting to breastfeed
There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are trying to breastfeed and experiencing problems. The team at Sprout Dentistry for Kids is here to help make this part of you and your baby’s bonding experience easier. By allowing Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage to perform a frenectomy with a soft tissue laser, you will notice a dramatic difference in the way your baby latches and your ability to nurse. Don’t hesitate to contact our team if you have questions about the process and what you can do to ensure the health and growth of your baby.
About the Authors
At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo are board-certified pediatric dentists who are fathers first. Understanding the uncertainty that can come with learning your child has a lip and/or tongue-tie, they remain committed to providing honest, complete information to help parents like yourself make well-informed decisions about your child’s oral and overall health. Customizing treatment plans based on your little one’s specific needs, we will explain the process in its entirety in a way that is easy to understand and gives you greater peace of mind. Visit our website or call (469) 301-3212 to find out how we can better assist in improving your child’s dental health.