It’s happened….your child comes running to you brandishing a tiny white tooth that has them grinning ear to ear. Showing your excitement, you remind them to place it under their pillow and leave it for the Tooth Fairy. Jumping up and down, they rush off to bed and eagerly do as you say. Morning arrives and suddenly, your heart drops to your stomach realizing you never swapped out the tooth for the “jackpot” your child believes they’ve hit. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, let your dentistry for children experts help by providing useful tips that can help you improve your skills and become the best Tooth Fairy you can be.
Talk to Your Children About Oral Health
Your child’s pediatric dentist in McKinney will always be happy to discuss ways (and reasons) to keep their teeth and gums healthy but as the parent (and Tooth Fairy), you should take the opportunity to use this magical character as a way to encourage a clean smile. Children are often so busy playing and doing other things that taking time to brush and floss can seem boring and unexciting. However, the moment a tooth pops out, their eyes light up and are eager to reap the reward of their fallen baby tooth.
Whether this is the first or fourth tooth they’ve lost, these are golden opportunities to sneak in a few minutes on the importance of good oral health. Mention how the Tooth Fairy only wants healthy, clean teeth, so it’s important to brush, floss, and rinse every morning when they wake up and before they go to bed every night.
Think on Your Feet
If you have a child who can sleep through a loud and thunderous storm, you’re lucky, as this will work to your advantage when performing “the swap.” If not, it might take some stealth to try and accomplish this risky task without being caught. No matter how your child sleeps, always be ready to think on your feet…even in situations where you forget to grab the tooth altogether.
A few examples of what you can do include:
- Have a reason to go into their room – If your child wakes to find you sneaking around their room, tell them you’re in there to try and spot the Tooth Fairy or that you are looking for something you left in there earlier.
- Always make sure the Tooth Fairy has an alibi – If you forget to make the swap, don’t let the magic end for your little one. Instead, offer up an alibi for the Tooth Fairy by saying that she called to tell you she was sick and unable to make it but that she was feeling much better and would be by that night to pick up the tooth.
Ask for the Help of Family or Friends
While it’s always best to have an excuse just in case, try to avoid the necessary alibi by asking a family member or friend to call and remind you to swap out the tooth. Or, better yet, just set an alarm on your phone. This will ensure your little one wakes up to the “jackpot” they hit overnight and comes rushing to you to show off what the Tooth Fairy left behind.
This time in your children’s lives is short-lived, so keep the magic alive and seek help when you feel you’re falling down on the job as the Tooth Fairy. After all, your child’s dentist is an expert at this particular job, so why not seek guidance from someone who can make you the best?
About the Authors
Are you struggling to keep up with the teeth your children are losing? Do you have difficulty remembering to play Tooth Fairy at home? Let Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo at Sprout Dentistry for Kids help you improve your game. From helping you keep your kids excited about the Tooth Fairy, oral health, and all the ways they can keep their teeth clean, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage will serve as your trusted allies during this fun and enjoyable time of your children’s lives. To learn more about how we can help you, visit our website or call (469) 301-3212.