Does your child struggle to eat certain foods? Is your baby having a hard time latching? If you answered ‘yes,’ they may have a lip or tongue tie. This abnormal development is not as uncommon as you might think, and fortunately, it can be remedied with the help of a laser frenectomy. Before you start to fret, it’s important that you keep reading to discover how this pain-free procedure can allow for a more comfortable time in the treatment chair and a faster recovery.
How is a Laser Frenectomy Performed?
When your child is recommended for this type of procedure, their pediatric dentist will use a soft tissue dental laser as opposed to traditional scalpels and sutures.
The concentrated beam of light that is emitted from the laser works quickly to vaporize the banded tissue underneath the tongue and/or behind the upper lip. Its fast movement cauterizes the tissue to minimize any bleeding and potential swelling. It also sterilizes the area so there is little chance of infection after the procedure is complete, allowing for a faster healing process at home.
Does a Laser Frenectomy Cause Any Pain?
No, your child should not expect to feel any pain as a result of the dental laser that is used. Because of precision-based light and vaporization of the tissue, it causes minimal discomfort, if any at all.
This is one of the many benefits parents and patients appreciate, especially since the idea of using a dental laser can be unnerving to some individuals. Fortunately, these unique devices are designed to work quickly and create a more comfortable and pain-free experience.
What Are the Advantages of Laser Frenectomy?
Considering the alternative option is using a scalpel to release the banded tissue and sutures to ensure it heals properly, there are many unique advantages to having your child receive a laser frenectomy, such as:
- It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be completed in just minutes.
- The chances of post-operative infection are minimal because of the sterilization provided by the laser.
- If your infant is undergoing the procedure, you can immediately feed them afterward.
- There is little to no bleeding or swelling.
- Your child can expect to recover quickly after the procedure.
- It’s unlikely that your child will need anesthesia or sedation for a frenectomy.
Laser frenectomies are a safe and easy way to address lip and tongue ties. Not only will your child be able to resume normal activity soon after their procedure, but they’ll appreciate the comfortable experience that allows them to finally eat, speak, breathe, and feel more confident.
About the Authors
Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo offer laser frenectomies in-house for infants, children, and teenagers living with lip and/or tongue ties. As board-certified pediatric dentists, they possess the advanced training and experience to perform this type of procedure, giving individuals the ability to embrace greater oral movement and a better quality of life. Visit our website or call (469) 301-3212 to learn how this pain-free procedure may be right for your child.