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What Are Signs Your Baby Is Teething?

June 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:25 pm

As your baby gets older, they will reach many milestones. Some they’ll enjoy, and others not so much. When your baby begins teething, it’s an important development but one that is likely to cause discomfort. Teeth can begin to erupt for some infants at 3-4 months of age. However, some might not get their first tooth until their first birthday. Here are some symptoms of teething in McKinney and some ways you might be able to help them feel better from a pediatric dentist.


Why Does Praising Kids for Brushing Their Teeth Matter?

June 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:16 pm
father and son brushing teeth together

Depending on the situation, helping your child improve in some aspect of their life can be quite significant. When it comes to oral health, and specifically brushing their teeth, this is a big deal since it’s a key lifetime habit. Offering them praise for brushing could fuel the motivation for them to do it consistently going forward. Keep reading to learn from a pediatric dentist in McKinney why you should encourage your child to handle brushing teeth on their own and how you should go about it.


Tongue Tie, Lip Tie, and Infant Reflux: Understanding the Connection

May 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 3:19 pm
Fussy baby due to aerophagia or infant acid reflux in McKinney

Do you have a little bundle of joy at home? If so, you may have chosen to breastfeed due to the many benefits it offers for infants and mothers. Admittedly, however, breastfeeding can come with its challenges. For example, many babies experience unpleasant symptoms shortly after they eat, which can often be perceived as infant acid reflux in McKinney. However, acid reflux may not be the problem at all. It might actually be air-induced reflux due to a lip or tongue tie. This blog post discusses what this problem is, what can cause it, and what you can do about it.


Why Does Hydration Matter for Oral Health?

May 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 9:48 pm
teenager drinking water

The first day of summer may technically be June 21, but when you live in Texas it can feel like the spring season already packed up and left town. The temperature rises and leads to a lot of sweating and fluid loss when you are outside on the move for very long. When people forget to replace those fluids promptly, dehydration occurs. Since water comprises more than two-thirds of your body, any loss of fluids can affect regular bodily functions. Did you know it can impact your oral health too? Read on to learn from a children’s dentist in McKinney which signs of dehydration to look out for and the consequences it can have on your smile.


How to Make Losing Baby Teeth Less Scary for Kids

April 24, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 10:35 pm
worried child with lost tooth

For most kids, losing their first baby tooth is an exciting experience because it means they’re growing up and can expect to find some money underneath their pillow. However, for others, this experience can be frightening and cause anxiety. Each child may handle this milestone in their own way. Continue reading to learn a few tips from your pediatric dentist about making losing baby teeth in McKinney a less traumatic and more positive experience.


What Foods Improve My Child’s Dental Health?

April 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 10:30 pm
children eating watermelon

Your kids seem to ask you for brownies twice a week, but they are still learning about how important it is to prioritize dental health, after all. As they grow, you are trying to set a good example to help them learn how to make wise dietary choices that benefit their teeth and general health. With children’s oral health in McKinney in mind, keep reading for food tips from a pediatric dentist.


3 Ways to Safely Remove Your Child’s Loose Tooth

March 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:16 pm
a child with a missing tooth

Your child comes running to you explaining they have a loose tooth in McKinney. If they’re like most kids, they’re probably pretty excited, especially if you’ve discussed the Tooth Fairy and what she leaves in exchange for baby teeth. But how can you help hurry the process safely and effectively? You obviously don’t want the tooth to come out too early, but if it’s already fairly loose, here are three methods you can use to fast-track the location of your child’s primary tooth from their mouth to under their pillow.


How Praising Your Child Can Help Them in Their Pursuit of Better Oral Health

March 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:41 pm
girl brushing teeth with her father

As a parent, you may be tempted to continue brushing your child’s teeth for them. Although you want them to be independent, it’s just easier if you do it, right? While this may be true, it certainly does not help your little one learn how to do it on their own. When handing over the reins to your child, you may notice a dramatic difference in how well they take care of their smile when they’re praised for brushing their teeth in McKinney. Read on to learn why and how you should plan to offer encouragement as your little one pursues better oral health.


How to Help a Teething Baby Get Some Sleep

February 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 6:08 pm
teething baby

Every parent knows how exhausting it is to deal with a cranky, teething baby. Unfortunately, the irritability usually gets worse around naptime and bedtime because babies don’t have anything to distract them while they fall asleep. The good news is that there are several ways you can comfort your little one and help them get some much-needed sleep. Read on as a pediatric dentist in McKinney shares a few expert-approved tips!


6 Books to Help Your Little One Feel Less Nervous About the Dentist

February 17, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 12:44 am
Mother and daughter reading children’s book

Does your child have a visit with the dentist coming up that they are increasingly nervous about? It is perfectly normal for kids to feel unsure about new experiences, especially when they don’t know what they can expect. Luckily, there are tons of children’s books that have been written to help with this situation. By reading some fun stories together, your little one will be able to develop a better understanding of what the children’s dentist is like. Continue reading to learn about 6 popular options.

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