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Ways to Prepare Children with Autism for Successful Dental Appointments

January 29, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:09 pm
dentist and young boy with autism

Does your child have autism? Are you finding it to be a challenge trying to get them in to see a dentist for regular oral healthcare? You’re not alone. Parents of children with special needs often experience the same difficulties, but the good news is there are ways to better prepare your child for an upcoming appointment. At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo offer special needs dentistry in McKinney and will collaborate with you to ensure a swift and successful visit. Read on to discover three things you and your child’s dentist can do to make it a more enjoyable experience.


Lip and Tongue Tie Treatment: 3 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Dentist

January 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:38 pm
a mother and happy baby

Learning your child needs a frenectomy might cause some uncertainty. While you understand this type of lip and tongue tie treatment in McKinney is beneficial, it may still leave you with many questions about the process, aftercare, and necessity. If you’re like most parents, you’ll want all the information before making a decision, which is why Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo are here to provide the answers to three questions you should never be afraid to ask when inquiring about a frenectomy.


What Happens During a Tongue Assessment?

December 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:31 pm
a baby with its tongue out

Does your child have a tongue tie in McKinney? Are you concerned there may be an issue that is causing you to experience difficulties nursing? If you suspect your baby has a restricted band of tissue keeping them from being able to effectively latch or take a bottle, make sure to reach out to Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage at Sprout Dentistry for Kids. With the help of a tongue assessment, they can put your little one on the right bath while providing improved oral function. Read on to learn more about what happens during an assessment and how a tongue tie is treated.


How You Can Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

December 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:22 pm
baby with a bottle of milk

You might think it is okay to give your little one a warm bottle of milk to help them go to sleep, but unfortunately, this practice can actually do more harm than good. Because formula and breastmilk both contain sugar, the longer it sits on your child’s developing teeth, the greater the risk for what is known as baby bottle tooth decay in McKinney. Read on to learn more about this and what you can do to prevent it.


3 Smile-Friendly Stocking Stuffers for Kids

November 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:54 pm
a holiday stocking filled with gifts

Need ideas for stocking stuffers for kids in McKinney this year? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents prefer to avoid candy and other sweet treats, as they know their children will get enough when it comes to holiday meals. But it can also be difficult to incorporate smile-friendly gifts that kids can get excited about. To help you on your search, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are here to share three unique items you can sneak into your child’s stocking that will have them enthusiastic about taking care of their smile.   


3 Potential Problems That Can Develop Due to Thumb-Sucking

November 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 3:59 pm
little boy sucking his thumb

Is your child prone to thumb-sucking in McKinney? Are you worried they will continue practicing this bad habit even once they enter school? While it is normal for babies and even young toddlers to adopt this comfort mechanism, the longer it continues, the greater your child’s risk for serious tooth and bite problems. Here are three potential issues that can develop if this non-nutritive habit persists.


4 Tips to Help You Choose the Perfect Pediatric Dentist

October 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:49 pm
a young girl smiling at her pediatric dentist

Are you spending countless hours searching for the “best pediatric dentist near me?” If so, feel free to take a step back and take a deep breath. You want to entrust your child’s smile to someone you can trust. Their professionalism, experience, training, and ability to make your little one feel welcome, comfortable, and unafraid are all vital factors. Fortunately, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage at Sprout Dentistry for Kids are not only pediatric dentists, but they’re also fathers who understand the importance of this decision. Here are four tips to help you choose the right pediatric specialist for your child.


4 Reasons Your Teenager Needs to See a Pediatric Dentist

September 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 5:10 pm
teenager seeing a pediatric dentist in McKinney

Does your teenager grumble when it’s time for them to see a pediatric dentist in McKinney? They might assume they’re “too old” to continue visiting a dentist designed for children, but the truth is that Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are equipped to offer services to patients who are preparing for life beyond high school. If you have a teen who is adamant about making the switch to a dental professional who caters to adults, here are four reasons why their smile will benefit by continuing to see a pediatric dentist until they reach the age of 18.


Is It Time for My Child to Switch to an Electric Toothbrush?

September 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:03 pm
boy using an electric toothbrush

Is it time to switch your child to an electric toothbrush? Because of their effectiveness at removing plaque and other harmful bacteria, they are often an excellent option for young and developing smiles. However, with so many toothbrushes for kids in McKinney, it can be difficult to know when it’s time to upgrade. A pediatric dentist shares three questions you should ask yourself to determine if your child is ready to swap their manual brush for an electric one.


3 Facts You May Not Know That Can Impact Your Child’s Oral Health

August 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 1:20 pm
small boy smiling after seeing pediatric dentist in McKinney

When it comes to children’s dentistry in McKinney, there is much information that most parents are unaware of. Even if you consider yourself to be a proactive parent who is diligent about helping your little one take better care of their smile, you’re likely missing some key points. Fortunately, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are here to impart some additional wisdom by providing 3 unique facts about your child’s oral health that can make a big difference when it comes to their future smile.

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