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Sprout Dentistry For Kids Blog

Lip and Tongue-Tie Terminology: What You Need to Know

October 15, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:30 pm
a baby sticking its tongue out and smiling

When learning your child has a tongue or lip tie in McKinney, you may feel overwhelmed by the information you find while researching this common condition. As pediatric dentists, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage can eliminate any confusion and provide a clear and concise explanation of what is happening in your child’s mouth and how it can be treated safely and effectively. But in order to understand some of the terminologies that will likely be used when discussing potential treatment, read on to familiarize yourself with the common verbiage you can expect to hear from your child’s dental team.


What is Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing?

September 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 2:12 pm
A young boy asleep in bed while lying on his side

Are you worried your child isn’t sleeping well? Do you notice they breathe through their mouth? Is their behavior at home or school causing you to wonder if it could be related to their inability to achieve adequate rest? The answer could be that your child is experiencing sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). As board-certified pediatric dentists in McKinney, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are here to provide further explanation as to what you should look for and how to know if your child is at risk for SDB. 


How to Help Your Child Sleep Better During This Stressful Time

August 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:59 pm
a young child asleep lying on their stomach with their head on a pillow

The current changes that are happening throughout the world are having a substantial impact on not only adults but children as well. When you combine a global pandemic that requires everyone to wear a face mask when going out in public with the start of a new and uncertain school year, it should come as no surprise these stressful situations are just a few reasons behind trouble sleeping for kids in McKinney. As a parent, take a few moments to discover what you can do to help your little one sleep and breathe better during this difficult time.


4 FAQs for Children Who Suffer from Mouth Breathing

July 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 1:24 pm
a young boy lying on his back asleep with his mouth open

You quietly enter into your child’s bedroom while they are asleep and notice them laying on their back with their mouth wide open. In the following days, you notice they are feeling more fatigued, maybe experiencing some congestion, and appearing to be more irritable than normal. Unsure why this is happening, you notice more and more than they are breathing through their mouth when asleep or possibly while awake as well. Could it be connected? As board-certified pediatric dentists in McKinney, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage answer 4 of the most frequently asked questions about children and problems that can occur as a result of mouth breathing. Early recognition, evaluation, and treatment if necessary are important as mouth breathing can be a symptom of sleep disordered breathing.


Why a Clear Airway is Important for Proper Growth and Development

June 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 1:13 pm
a young child lying on their stomach on a bed and smiling

You may not realize it, but your child’s airway plays a pivotal role in their growth and facial development. The way they breathe can negatively impact their teeth, smile, face, and overall health, but how can you tell if there is an obstruction that is keeping them from sleeping soundly? As fathers and board-certified kid’s dentists, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage offer holistic dentistry for kids in McKinney and can explain what signs/symptoms you should look for when identifying whether your child has a problem that requires professional treatment. A poor airway can have long-lasting negative effects on the physical, mental, and emotional growth, development, and wellness of children.


3 Helpful Tips to Make the Dental Visit Less Stressful for Children with Autism

April 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 6:28 pm
a little boy brushing the teeth of a mouth mold while a dentist instructs him on how to do it properly

If you are the parent of a child with autism, we understand that there can be stress and challenges in preparing them for a dental appointment. Because many children with special needs often have severe dental phobia and sensory processing disorder, collaboration between parents and their dentist can greatly improve their dental experience. Developing a comfortable environment, rapport with the dental team, and consistent oral hygiene routines at home can lead to more positive outcomes when a child receives the dental care they need, especially when they are suffering from cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Fortunately, with many dentists offering special needs dentistry, regular dental checkups and cleanings no longer have to be a traumatic experience. So, how can this be accomplished? Let Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage, our two board-certified pediatric dental specialists, share a few helpful tips to ensure your child’s next dental visit is less stressful and more enjoyable when finding your McKinney pediatric dentist.


Learn How Your Child’s Diabetes Can Impact Their Oral Health

March 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 1:25 pm
a little girl brushing her teeth after seeing a McKinney pediatric dentist

Does your child have diabetes? Are you aware of the possible effects this common disease can have on their oral health? It is not unusual for patients who have diabetes to develop certain dental conditions, one of which is “gum” (periodontal) disease. Although there is a link between these two health conditions, hear from a McKinney pediatric dentist who explains why preventive dentistry is one of the best ways to keep your little one’s smile looking and feeling its best.


5 Ways to Ensure a Stress-Free Dental Visit for Your Child

February 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:32 pm
a little girl giving her dentist a high-five

Visiting the dentist’s office can be scary for young children. Whether it is a regular dental checkup and cleaning or a more complex treatment or procedure, the goal is to ensure your child remains relaxed, comfortable, and at ease during their visit. Although you cannot control what occurs while in the dentist’s office, let a pediatric dentist in McKinney share a few ways you can help your child prepare for a stress-free experience.


Tips for Improving Your Tooth Fairy Skills

January 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:21 pm
a little girl with a missing tooth

It’s happened….your child comes running to you brandishing a tiny white tooth that has them grinning ear to ear. Showing your excitement, you remind them to place it under their pillow and leave it for the Tooth Fairy. Jumping up and down, they rush off to bed and eagerly do as you say. Morning arrives and suddenly, your heart drops to your stomach realizing you never swapped out the tooth for the “jackpot” your child believes they’ve hit. If this scenario sounds all too familiar, let your dentistry for children experts help by providing useful tips that can help you improve your skills and become the best Tooth Fairy you can be.


When Should Your Child Start Flossing?

January 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:18 pm
a young boy and his mother flossing their teeth

Flossing is a key component of any good oral hygiene regime. In order to remove harmful bacteria and food particles from between the teeth, dental floss is an effective tool to make this part of the process successful. But how do you know when it’s the right time for your child to start flossing? After all, it does require some careful maneuvering and skill to safely and effectively get in-between the teeth. To help you determine when you should help your little one make this next step, hear from a pediatric dentist in McKinney who can help.

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