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Sprout Dentistry For Kids Blog

How Can I Tell If My Child Needs a Frenectomy?

May 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:11 pm
a baby laying covered in a towel and sticking its tongue out after undergoing a frenectomy in McKinney

Recognizing that your child has a lip- or tongue-tie isn’t always easy. Unless you know the signs, you may continue to wonder why your baby isn’t latching well or why your child is struggling to speak clearly or breathe properly throughout the night. It often requires the help of a trusted pediatric dentist to identify the problem; however, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage want you to have the information you need to recognize problems early on, which is why this article focuses on what you should look for when determining if your child needs a frenectomy in McKinney.


From Fear to Excitement: How Laser Dentistry is Changing the Way Kids Visit the Dentist

May 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 10:22 pm
a young girl gives a thumbs up while sitting in the dentist’s chair waiting to undergo laser dentistry in McKinney

 Is your little one fearful of the dentist? Do you find it challenging trying to load them in the car and get them to the dentist’s office because of their heightened anxiety? You’re not alone. Many parents struggle with the same problem but fortunately, there is a solution that is helping to change the way kids view their upcoming dental appointments. Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo at Sprout Dentistry for Kids are pleased to incorporate laser dentistry in McKinney into their practice. Offering an easier and pain-free solution to treatment, read on to discover just how impactful this unique method of treatment can be when it comes to your child’s future dental visits.


Why a Nighttime Routine Can Benefit Your Child’s Smile in the Future

April 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:38 pm
a father and his child brushing their teeth before bedtime

A child’s smile is a beautiful thing. From the moment those first few teeth erupt, it’s important that you start the process of maintaining a healthy smile early on. By establishing a nighttime routine, you can begin to make positive oral health habits for kids in McKinney normal in your home and improve their chances of sustaining a healthy smile as they grow. Dr. Justin Chan and Dr. Sage Yoo with Sprout Dentistry for Kids are here to explain what you can do to set up a bedtime regime that will benefit them as they approach adulthood.


Why the Tongue-Tie is Becoming More of a Common Problem

January 28, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 8:30 pm
a mother and her baby lying on a bed laughing and playing together

Although it may seem as if a lip or tongue-tie in McKinney is a recent phenomenon, the truth is that these natural birth defects have been occurring for centuries. The change is how women are choosing to feed their babies, which is ultimately the reason many parents are turning to their pediatric dentists to inquire about a frenectomy for their little one. At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are able to provide safe and effective treatment should you being to notice problems while attempting to nurse at home. Read on to learn what signs to look for as a breastfeeding mother and what we can do to help.   


Children’s Dental Health Month: Tips to Improve Your Little One’s Smile

January 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 6:04 pm
a little girl wearing a blue dress and smiling wide

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This means your child’s pediatric dentist will focus their attention on the importance of dental care at an early age as well as providing you, the parent, with valuable tips to encourage and inspire your child to maintain good oral hygiene at home. Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage firmly believe in patient and parent education, which is why this article focuses on beneficial ways you can make oral health an important aspect of your child’s life. Read on to learn more about children’s dental health in McKinney and what you can do to ensure their smile in on the right track.


Discover the Oral Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

December 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:51 pm
a mother nursing her baby while seated on a couch

Are you a nursing parent? Did you know that breastfeeding offers many great benefits to both you and your child, especially as it pertains to your oral health? Apart from its ability to fight infections and reduce the chances of SIDS in infants, it can also positively impact both you and your baby’s teeth and gums in various ways. The following article about nursing and oral health in McKinney explains the benefits of breastfeeding that will leave you and your little one with a healthier smile.


How to Know if Your Child’s Tongue is Resting in the Proper Position

December 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 4:48 pm
a little girl smiling while seated at her desk at school

Is it possible for your child’s tongue to be in the improper position? Surprisingly, yes it is. If you’re thinking there’s no way you can incorrectly position this large muscle inside your mouth, ask yourself the question, “Have you ever bitten your tongue?” Chances are that both you and your child have done this, as have nearly 50% of all Americans. To find out if your little one needs help with proper tongue position in McKinney, read on to hear what Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage say on the topic and what can be done to remedy this common problem.


Discover the Benefits to Using Laser Dentistry for Children

November 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 5:51 pm
a little girl smiling and giving her dentist a high-five after her appointment

Does your child need oral surgery? Has their pediatric dentist recommended treatment for tooth decay that requires a dental filling? Fortunately, these often “scary” procedures no longer have to be cause for anxiety or stress. At Sprout Dentistry for Kids, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are pleased to offer laser dentistry for children in McKinney using the Solea CO2 dental laser. Offering a less invasive approach to dental procedures, children can now undergo a pain-free experience that results in better oral health. Read on to learn more about the benefits of laser dentistry and how it can positively impact your child’s smile.


What You Can Do to Maximize Your Child’s Dental Benefits This Year

November 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 2:16 pm
a little girl smiling at her dentist during a regular checkup

It is safe to say that 2020 threw everyone a curveball with the ongoing pandemic. Because of COVID-19, many young patients were unable to see their pediatric dentist for regular checkups and cleanings, and unfortunately, your children’s dental insurance coverage won’t offer any benefit extension. This is why Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage strongly recommend you maximize your child’s plan while there is still time. Since these benefits will not roll over, it is in your best interest and that of your child to get the most out of your coverage, as it will not only put more money back into your pocket, but it will more importantly keep your little one’s smile healthier as they enter into a new year. Read on to learn what you can do before 2020 ends.


Discover the Benefits of Early Detection and Treatment for Proper Airway and Breathing in Children

October 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — sproutdentistryforkids @ 7:36 pm
a mother holding her daughter while outside, both smiling and enjoying time together

As a parent, it is no surprise that one of the most common concerns is the current state of your child’s oral and overall health. As they grow, they will experience a wide array of changes, many of which can positively or negatively impact their well-being, development, and ability to succeed academically. If your child is experiencing an obstruction in their airway in McKinney, they can be faced with a myriad of complications the longer they go without proper treatment. Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage want to help you avoid these potential problems by further explaining the many benefits that come with early detection, diagnosis, and treatment.

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