Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are passionate about being a resource to families with questions and concerns regarding common symptoms of lip and tongue tie in McKinney. When inquiring about treatment for your child’s lip or tongue tie, Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage begin with information gathering regarding any possible symptoms associated with tethered oral tissues such as lip and tongue tie. A thorough examination is recommended in order for Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage to be able to diagnose whether a problem with tethered oral tissues or airway exists and its severity.
While it is preferable for a frenectomy to be performed when your little one is an infant or young child, at Sprout Dentistry for Kids, we want to help parents understand the connection and how an undiagnosed or untreated lip and tongue tie can impact their oral health and overall wellbeing as they grow. Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage advocate that the need for treatment is not determined solely by the presence of lip or tongue tie, but by the severity of associated symptoms. Based on your child’s symptoms, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage may work alongside other healthcare professionals such as Pediatricians, ENT, International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), Orofacial Myofunctional Therapists, Chiropractors, and more. While you may suspect a problem is occurring because of your baby’s inability to effectively nurse or your child is experiencing a speech delay, it is important to recognize the common symptoms of lip and tongue tie in McKinney and we encourage you to contact our office to schedule a consultation.
Infants are unable to tell you when something is wrong, which is why it is necessary for you to pay close attention to any of the following symptoms that can develop as a result of a lip or tongue tie. Should you notice your baby developing any of these problems, please reach out to us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Justin or Dr. Sage:
One of the most common beliefs of many nursing mothers is if there are problems with breastfeeding, it is their fault. If you have fallen victim to this unfortunate mindset, know that your child’s lip or tongue tie may be the reason, not your physical abilities or nursing technique. While this phase can prove frustrating and quite stressful, Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage can be a resource in finding a helpful solution that will have your child successfully breastfeeding as well as improve the bonding experience between you and your baby.
If you begin to notice any of these signs while attempting to breastfeed, let our team know:
Even if your older child has problems with a lip or tongue tie, they sometimes may not be able to productively express their discomfort or frustration. Furthermore, children with lip and tongue tie may not even realize or know what is causing many of the symptoms they are experiencing because they have compensated to the condition resulting in camouflage of the root of the problem. Many of the signs for lip and tongue tie can be easily mistaken for other common problems, but if you begin to notice any of the following, make sure to reach out to a member of our team to schedule a consultation with one of our pediatric dentists in McKinney:
If your child’s lip or tongue tie is not treated during infancy or childhood, the problems that can occur will often carry with them into adolescence and even adulthood. Although it is unlikely the lip or tongue tie is severe, it may be necessary to undergo treatment to allow for full and proper functioning of the lip and/or tongue. A frenectomy may be necessary if your teen is displaying any of these symptoms:
Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage are passionate about educating and empowering parents and children to care for their oral health. They are advocates of oral health and overall wellness and are especially passionate about airway, breathing, lip and tongue tie due to these topics frequently being left unaddressed. Both Dr. Justin and Dr. Sage have personal experience with this topic in addition to their advanced training and clinical experience. Dr. Sage was born with tongue-tie and unfortunately was not diagnosed until later in adulthood when he had it treated. Dr. Sage’s son also was born with lip and tongue-tie that required treatment during infancy due to feeding issues. Both of Dr. Justin’s daughters were born with tethered oral tissues which required treatment due to feeding issues during infancy. As fellow, devoted parents they understand the concern, stress, and fatigue that parents deal with when their child is not feeding, sleeping, or breathing well. They are committed to being a resource to help other families in need of an experienced McKinney pediatric dentist. Please reach out to us to schedule an evaluation if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s oral health.